Ex No: 6 Creating Simple Layout and Master Page
Aim: To create a simple layout and master page by using master page palette and character styles.
Software Requirement Scribus
1) Open Scribus.
2) Open File->Document Setup to setup the page size.
3) To add Master Page open Edit->Master Pages. Add required master pages.
4) In each Master Page add Text Frame from Insert->Insert Text Frame.
5) Right Click on the Text Frame and select Properties to set text frame position, size and text format.
6) To add Page Number to a page edit Text Frame open Insert->Character->Page Number.
7) Close Edit Master Pages tab to return to normal mode.
8) Add the required Master Pages and enter text.
9) To link one Text Frame to another Text Frame for continuous text display. Open Item->Link Text Frames and link the Text Frames.
10) Export the final document as PDF.
Sample Document
Result: Thus simple layout and master page is created using master page pallete in scribus successfully.