Ex No: 6 Logo Design
Aim: To create a simple logo using Text tool, Rectangle tool and Ellipse tool.
Software Requirement Inkscape
1) Open Inkscape.
2) Open File->Document Properties. Set width and Height.
3) Add Circle and reshape as eclipse.
4) Set stroke paint and stroke style. Remove fill color to create empty eclipse.
5) Add text for logo.
6) Draw line using “Bezier Curves and Straight Lines”.
7) Use “Edit Path by Nodes” to convert the line into an arc.
8) Insert text, choose text and arc then open Text->Put on Path to add text to path.
9) Select the object open Path->Object to path and remove the path line.
10) Export the Design as PNG.
Sample Logo Desing
Result: Thus the logo been designed using Inkscape successfully.