Ex No: 2 Design Creation using Masking Layer
Aim: To create a design by using multiple layers, create a design with the use of masking various images..
Software Requirement GIMP
1) Open GIMP.
2) Open Images in GIMP
3) Right Click on the Layer and Select New Layer.
4) Copy the Image in Bottom Layer and Paste it in New Layer.
5) Right Click on the Floating Selection (Pasted Layer) and Select Anchor Layer.
6) Select the Top layer and change the color of the image to Gray Scale.
7) Select Colors Menu->Desaturate->Color to Grayscale.
8) Right click on the Grayscale Image layer and Add Mask to Layer->White(Full opacity).
9) Choose Image Layer and select the Image shape to mask.
10) Cut the selected Image to apply masking effect.
11) Add a New Image as Layer and Insert Text on that layer.
12) Right Click on the Text layer and select “Alpha to Selection”.
13) Right click on the Image layer and Add Mask to Layer->Selection.
14) Now Delete the Text Layer.
15) Export the Image as PNG.
Sample Edited Image
Result: Thus a design is created with masking tools using in GIMP succesfully.