Ex No: 2 Write a program to Perform EB Bill Calculation
Aim: To perform EB Bill calculation using php
Step1: Design a webpage to get EB Service Number, Customer Name and Units consumed
Step2: On form submit check if units consumed is set and not empty
   A) Get values of Service Number, Customer Name and Units Consumed from POST method
   B) If Units consumed is less than 100 then display total charge as zero
   C) Else if Units consumed is greater than 100 and less than 200 then
     i) Calculate rate as 1.5 * (units - 100)
     ii) Service charge as 20
     iii) Calculate total charge as rate + service charge
   D) Else if Units consumed is greater than 200 and less than 500 then
     i) Calculate rate as 2 * (units - 100)
     ii) Service charge as 30
     iii) Calculate total charge as rate + service charge
   E) Else
     i) Calculate rate as 4 * (units - 100)
     ii) Service charge as 50
     iii) Calculate total charge as rate + service charge
   F) Display the Generated Bill
Source Code


<!DOCTYPE html>
 <meta charset="utf-8">
 <title>EB Bill Calculation</title>
 <h3>EB Bill Calculation</h3>
 <div style="float: left; width: 500px;">
  <form id="ebbillform" name="ebbillform" method="POST" action="ex2.php">
     <td>Service Number:</td>
     <td><input type="text" id="serno" name="serno"/></td>
     <td><input type="text" id="name" name="name"/></td>
     <td>Units Consumed:</td>
     <td><input type="text" id="unit" name="unit"/></td>
     <td><input type="submit" value="Calculate"/></td>
     <td><input type="reset"/></td>
 <div style="float: left;">
  Tarrif Chart
  <table border="1" style="text-align: center;">
   <tr> <th>Units</th><th>Rate in<br> Rupees</th> </tr>
   <tr> <td>0-100</td><td>0</td> </tr>
   <tr> <td>101-200</td><td>1.50 + 20</td> </tr>	
   <tr> <td>201-500</td><td>2.00 + 30</td> </tr>	
   <tr> <td>above 500</td><td>6.00 + 50</td> </tr>	


<!DOCTYPE html>
 <meta charset="utf-8">
 <title>EB Bill Calculation</title>
  if(isset($_POST["unit"]) && $_POST["unit"]!="")
	$serviceno = $_POST["serno"];
	$name = $_POST["name"];
	$unit = $_POST["unit"];
	$opt = $unit/100;
	if($unit>0 && $unit<=100)
	  $rate = 0;
	  $serv = 0;
	  $total = 0;	
	else if($unit>100 && $unit<=200)
	  $rate = 1.5 * ($unit-100);
	  $serv = 20;
	  $total = $rate + $serv;
	else if($unit>200 && $unit<=500)
	  $rate = 2 * ($unit-100);
	  $serv = 30;
	  $total = $rate + $serv;		
	  $rate = 4 * ($unit-100);
	  $serv = 50;
	  $total = $rate + $serv;		
 <h4>EB Bill Generated for Service No. <?php echo $serviceno; ?></h4>
   <td>Name: </td> <td><?php echo $name; ?></td>
   <td>Units: </td> <td><?php echo $unit; ?></td>
   <td>Rate: </td>	<td>Rs. <?php echo $rate ?></td>
   <td>Service: </td> <td>Rs. <?php echo $serv ?></td>
   <td>Total: </td> <td>Rs. <?php echo $total ?></td>
Result: Thus a webpage is designed using php to perform EB Bill Calcualtion..