Ex No: 11 |
PHP String Functions |
Aim: |
To perform String Operations using php |
Algorithm |
Step1: Design a webpage to get string values and options for string operations. |
Step2: On form submit check if String and String1 elements are set and not empty |
A) Get string value and sting operation options selected from POST method. |
B) Check if Single String operation options are selected |
i) Get the string value. |
ii) Use foreach loop to get selected options. |
a) Call Single String Function with String value and Selected Option. |
C) Check if Two String operation options are selected. |
i) Get two string value. |
ii) Use foreach loop to get selected options. |
a) Call Two String Function with String values and Selected Option. |
function single_string($str,$opr) |
Step 1: Switch based on $opr value |
A) For option "len": Calculate string length and display the result |
B) For option "rev": Reverse the string and display the result. |
C) For option "expimp": |
i) Calculate string explode and display the result using foreach loop. |
ii) Calculate string implode using "_" and display the result. |
D) For option "search": Search "o" within the given string and display the result |
E) For option "strrep": Replace "l" with "a" in the given string and display the result. |
function two_string($str1, $str2, $opr) |
Step 1: Switch based on $opr value |
A) For option "comp": Compare the two strings and display the result. |
B) For option "sim": Find similarity between the two strings and display the result. |
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>String Operations</title>
<h3><u>String Operations</u></h3>
<div style="float: left; width: 500px;">
<form id="strprocess" name="strprocess" method="POST" action="ex11.php">
<tr><td colspan="2"><b>Single String Operations</b></td></tr>
<td>Enter String</td>
<td><input type="text" name="str"/></td>
<input type="checkbox" name="singstr[]" value="len">String Length<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="singstr[]" value="rev">String Reversal<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="singstr[]" value="expimp">Explode(space) and Implode(_)<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="singstr[]" value="search">Search First occurance of "o"<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="singstr[]" value="strrep">Replace "l" with "a"<br>
<td colspan="2"><b>Two Sting Operations</b></td>
<td>Enter First String</td>
<td><input type="text" name="str1"/></td>
<td>Enter Second String</td>
<td><input type="text" name="str2"/></td>
<input type="checkbox" name="twostr[]" value="comp">Compare<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="twostr[]" value="sim">Check Similarity<br>
<td><input type="submit" value="Calculate"/></td>
<td><input type="reset"/></td>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>String Operations</title>
#single String Operations
function single_string($str,$opr)
case "len":
$len = strlen($str);
$res = "<p><b>String Length:</b> $len</p>";
case "rev":
$rev = strrev($str);
$res = "<p><b>Reversed String:</b> $rev</p>";
case "expimp":
$exp = explode(" ",$str);
$res = "<p><b>Exploded String:</b></p>";
foreach($exp as $x)
$res = $res."$x <br>";
$imp = implode("_",$exp);
$res = $res."<p><b>Implode String:</b> $imp";
case "search":
$search = strchr($str,"o");
$res = "<p><b>First occurence of \"o\": </b> $search</p>";
case "strrep":
$strrep = str_replace("l","a",$str,$num);
$res = "<p><b>Replace \"l\" with \"a\": </b>$strrep Count: $num</p>";
return $res;
#function to perform two string operration
function two_String($str1, $str2, $opr)
case "comp":
$cmp =(strcmp($str1,$str2)==0?"Same":"Different");
$res = "<p><b>Result of comparing Two String <u>$str1, $str2</u> is:</b> $cmp</p>";
case "sim":
$res = "<p><b>Similarity between <u>$str1, $str2</u> is:</b> $sim</p>";
return $res;
#starting point of the php program
if((isset($_POST["str"]) && $_POST["str"]!="") or ( isset($_POST["str1"]) && $_POST["str1"]!=""))
$val = $_POST["str"];
echo "<h1><u>Single String Operations</u></h1>";
foreach($_POST["singstr"] as $op)
$result = single_string($val,$op);
echo $result;
echo "<h1><u>Two String Operations</u></h1>";
$str1 = $_POST["str1"];
$str2 = $_POST["str2"];
foreach($_POST["twostr"] as $op)
$result = two_String($str1,$str2,$op);
echo $result;
Result: |
Thus a webpage is designed using php to perform String Operations. |